Monday, 26 March 2007

Number 85, Poor Puss Cat!!!

Most people who read this blog don't read my main blog so will be unaware of my puss cats misfortune yesterday!!! I am pretty certain he hasn't fallen or slipped, as his back is so muddy and no matter what cats usually stay on their feet, I reckon this was a fight with the blasted feral cat!!!! To find out more pop to the main blog!!!


RUTH said...

Hope he feels ok today after his wah and brush up.

tony.unwin said...

oh my word, poor puss what has he been up to?

mrsnesbitt said...

Love him!
This inspired me to see what Ella was up to....she is on the chair in the bedroom!

dot said...

Poor little puddycat!

photowannabe said...

Oh, poor kitty. Looks like a rowdy happening. I'm going to your other sight now to read more.

Anonymous said...

A bath was in order - and I looked on your main blog and found that he enjoyed the bath. What a wonderful cat. Annie in Little Rock