Just down the road from me is where all the crows nest. There are not many nests at the moment and they are also quite low this year! I will take another pic later when there are more nests.
We also have jackdaws round and about. Crows have long vicious looking beaks, jackdaws shorter and they are more grey than the crows. Jackdaws like to nest in chimney pots!!!
Not a fan of crows as they nest in the large tree outside our house and make the most dreadful racket each morning; drowning out the dawn chorus!...though I suppose that row is their dawn chorus
I enjoy hearing them fussing while I'm taking my walk. Hubby has a time keeping them out of the corn though.
A crow once collided with me whilst travelling on the back of the motorbike.
Fortunately my leathers ensured I wasn't harmed. Had a massive bruise though!
I've heard of jackdaws but I don't know if there are any in the US. Crows, we definitely have lots.
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