Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Number 79, New Gunnera Leaf

Yesterdays pic was indeed part of the Gunnera, well done Ruth! This is another part of it!! I thought it was a new leaf unfurling, but looking at the pic I'm not so sure, so will go and check the real thing later!!!!


RUTH said...

We are covered in snow! at the moment...all the spring flowers flattened..boo hoo Hope you're faring better.

mrsnesbitt said...

Weather wont make up it's mind here!

Memories Catcher said...

Interesting plant.Great shot.Well done!

Sheila said...

I'm not familiar with this Libby. It looks very exoctic, and tropical...keep us posted..!

photowannabe said...

I don't think I have seen this plant either. its not too pretty but makes a fascinating picture.
Thanks for your kind remarks on my blog.

Annie said...

Oh, that is all so new to me. I've never seen nor heard of this plant before.

Petunia's Gardener said...

Since so many of us don't think we've ever seen one, please do keep us updated as it develops further. Very interesting!