Sunday, 4 March 2007

Number 63, What do you see???

Tori and I went off to do some pics for her art project, so I nicked some!! So what do you see? Smiling face, monkey???????


RUTH said...

Great photo! I see a flattened Mick Jagger; his face sort of squashed and his big lips side by side!

Anonymous said...

A gurning pair of large lips with a tongue!

I just adore all your photos Libby, despite my not leaving comments on them all I do visit everyday for a peek.

Looking forward to your blog tomorrow - keep popping back and forwards today - so must mean you are busy.

Hammering it down with rain now - so my gardening has been abandoned.

Natalya said...

Prince Charles! :o) LOL Great shot :o)

Annie said...

A nose, mouth, chin and ear. Rather ghoulish, I think.

Petunia's Gardener said...

Whatever he is, my that's a big ear!

Memories Catcher said...

Interesting shot.I like the composition and details.Good textures and light.