Saturday, 31 March 2007

Just a Taster!

I went round today and took pics of all the Scarecrows! The theme is


they are really hard this year but we think we got some of them. Please remember we do not have the answers!

Number 1,

and is holding a Chinese Menu!

I will give you what I think it is on my return, next week.

Have fun!!!!

Number 90, Fig Leaf

A fig leaf emerging!

I am away now visiting my mum, until 4th when I will be starting the Scarecrow Trail! I am off to photograph them all today then we can all have fun guessing!! Have a great weekend everyone :o)

Friday, 30 March 2007

Number 89, Colourful

Pieris?!!! Fire bush I think!!!

Thursday, 29 March 2007

Number 88, Cockerel in the Garden!!

This is in my friends bantam White Sussex Cockerel in her garden. He's lovely isn't he!! She is waiting for one of her hens to go broody so she can hatch a clutch of bought White Sussex eggs, as she wants a full grown Cockerel, as this one is not up to the business!! (He's too small)

Wednesday, 28 March 2007

Number 87, In the Greenhouse!

Since the warmer weather started, this plant has really come on!! Looks so cheerful!!

Tuesday, 27 March 2007

Number 86, Feeling Better!!

I was outside potting stuff up when I turned round and saw this!!!! The door is wide open and he's enjoying the sunshine, although he has had to have a trip to the vets as he had 2 abscess's forming so is now on antibiotics!! So it was as I thought a fight!!

Monday, 26 March 2007

Number 85, Poor Puss Cat!!!

Most people who read this blog don't read my main blog so will be unaware of my puss cats misfortune yesterday!!! I am pretty certain he hasn't fallen or slipped, as his back is so muddy and no matter what cats usually stay on their feet, I reckon this was a fight with the blasted feral cat!!!! To find out more pop to the main blog!!!

Sunday, 25 March 2007

Number 84, Euphorbia again!!

I just so love the colours on this plant and you can see how much it has come on since the last pic.

Saturday, 24 March 2007

Number 83, Washing!!!

My dark wash hung out nice and early!! When I was a child my mum and her neighbour had this thing (for fun)about who could hang their washing out the earliest! I think its rubbed off on me, I love getting mine out really early, yet no body else round here hangs theres out!! You can't beat the smell of outside, dried washing!!!!!

Friday, 23 March 2007

Number 82, Two tone primrose

I spotted this as I went to hang out my washing this morning!

Thursday, 22 March 2007

Number 81, Poor Tulip!!

I can't believe I was working out in the garden yesterday wearing just a T-shirt!!!

Wednesday, 21 March 2007

Number 80, Bigger Gunnera Leaf!!

Not the best pic in the world but gives you a better idea. This plant grows enormous and to be honest I should never have planted it in my garden! I just loved it, lets hope by the time its taken over the garden I will be dead!!!lol!!!!

Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Number 79, New Gunnera Leaf

Yesterdays pic was indeed part of the Gunnera, well done Ruth! This is another part of it!! I thought it was a new leaf unfurling, but looking at the pic I'm not so sure, so will go and check the real thing later!!!!

Monday, 19 March 2007

Number 78, ?????

This is definately down my garden, (I took it Saturday) and not an alien! It is quite ugly really, but the whole plant grows into a magnificent specimen, this is the flower. I wonder if you know what it is?

Some clues: it likes the damp and at this time of year I have to protect it, but it is not a tropical plant. You see lots of them in Cornwall!:o)

Sunday, 18 March 2007

Number 77, Do Not Disturb!!!

He always sleeps like this! In fact I missed a pic of him yesterday, under the dining room table flat on his back with all his legs in the air!!!! Shows he's relaxed and happy in his enviroment.

Saturday, 17 March 2007

Number 76, Rookery!

Just down the road from me is where all the crows nest. There are not many nests at the moment and they are also quite low this year! I will take another pic later when there are more nests.

We also have jackdaws round and about. Crows have long vicious looking beaks, jackdaws shorter and they are more grey than the crows. Jackdaws like to nest in chimney pots!!!

Friday, 16 March 2007

Number 75, Euphorbia

I love the colours on my Euphorbia, maroon and lime green!!!!

Thursday, 15 March 2007

Number 74, Hellabore again!!!!!!

When I am short of pics, I just go round the garden clicking and see what turns out the best!! I really love these!! I think its because the pic always turns out!!!!!!

Wednesday, 14 March 2007

Number 73, Pulmanaria

Lungwort as its known, such an ugly name for such a pretty flower!! Plenty of this in my garden!

Tuesday, 13 March 2007

Number 72, Monkey Puzzle Tree

A baby Monkey Puzzle Tree!!!

Monday, 12 March 2007

Number 71, Dawn

Taken at 06.20 this morning, sadly the camera does not do this photo any justice! The blue was a most amazing colour, one I have not seen in the sky for ages!

Sunday, 11 March 2007

Number 70, More Catkins!

Coo! 70 days of 2007 gone already!!!

It never dawned on me that people had never seen a 'catkin', silly of me really! So here is one taken a bit further away!!

Saturday, 10 March 2007

Friday, 9 March 2007

Number 68, Walnut Tree!

Do you remember this photo taken on the 3rd January?

look at it now....

This happened at the weekend, how sad! Really dry summer, very wet winter and bad winds, a dreadful combination!

I had found out it was a Walnut Tree!

Thursday, 8 March 2007

Number 67, Hanging Basket!

A hanging basket of flowers for £6.99! Bargain!

Wednesday, 7 March 2007

Number 66, Skull or Dragon?

I wasn't going to post any more pics of this tree, but Tori and I where going through them all and came across this one yesterday. I saw a dragon or eagles head and she saw a skull, but neither of us could see the others view until it's features where pointed out. We found this hilarious, hence another bit of the tree!!

I must admit I really like this tree!

Tuesday, 6 March 2007

Number 65, Bark or Clay?

Same tree, but the outside. The bark on this was amazing, it actually looked like it had been crafted from clay!!!

Monday, 5 March 2007

Number 64, Hollow Tree!

Stuck the camera through a gap at the bottom and this is the result!!!

Sunday, 4 March 2007

Number 63, What do you see???

Tori and I went off to do some pics for her art project, so I nicked some!! So what do you see? Smiling face, monkey???????

Saturday, 3 March 2007

Number 62, Mud Glorious Mud!!!

Mud and more mud!!! As I said the other day on my main blog, the Enviroment Agency are asking us to be careful with our use of water, because if its a dry spring and summer we could still have water shortage problems!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, 2 March 2007

Number 61, Arum Lily

Arum Lily.
This measured about 4-5inches across, I don't think I have ever seen one so big!!!!

Thursday, 1 March 2007

Number 60, Pinch punch 1st Day of the Month

Daffodils! Something cheerful, well this is the month spring officially starts, whats that saying 'in like a lion out like a lamb'? Well its calm and beautiful so far today, no lions around! Only 25 days till British Summer Time begins!