Wednesday, 28 February 2007

Number 59, Fritilla

I must apologise for all the 'flower' pics, but with the weather as it is, I took the opportunity to 'stock' up when I went to the garden centre yesterday!!!


tony.unwin said...

these are lovely... saw some like this in Kew the other weekend... would love them in my garden... but we have way to small a garden

talj said...

Beautiful flowers!! :o)

Anna Ridley said...

Bring 'em on! I so love flowers, and these are beauties.

{{HUG}} Keep your chin up; spring will be here soon!


Tim Rice said...

This one and your crocus are really giving me Spring Fever! :)

Beautiful photos!

Annie said...

Please, no apologies. Keep the flower photos coming. Things are just on the edge of blooming here and I am ready to see a riot of flowers.

photowannabe said...

Fascinating type of flower. They sort of look like hanging chinese lanterns.
Don't mind the flowers at all. Too pretty to not share.

Gill said...

They look like fairy skirts!!!

Petunia's Gardener said...

These are very intersting. Checkered flowers... who knew!

mrsnesbitt said...

Love the flowers...spring is on its way!

Suzi-k said...

What fascinating flowers, I've never seen them before, they look like they were made out of tweed!