Friday, 2 February 2007

Number 33, The Whole Branch

Although this shows the hollow bit I actually don't like this as much as the last two photos I've shown!!!


RUTH said...

I know what you mean but they are all part of the whole story

tony.unwin said...

mmm , I think I'll stay with my original proposition, Alien spore mark, like a fox marking his territory... and considering the part of the county you are in... I say "watch the sky's"...

mrsnesbitt said...

Oh I agree with ruth, part of the whole story!

talj said...

What an interesting tree this is!! :o) Looks like there is so much around it to explore :o)

dot said...

Is that a cable in front?

Sheila said...

An interesting find indeed. Now as it decays and returns to the Earth it will be home to insects and fungi and all sorts of wonderful plants life. Nature never wastes anything does she. Great photos Libby..thanks..!

Annie said...

Hi Libby, You are exploring this tree, inch by inch.

photowannabe said...

The mystery unraveled. The close up doesn't look like it belongs to the over all picture. good shots.