Saturday, 17 February 2007

Number 48, Tango!

One of my lovely puss cats!


talj said...

Awww so sweet!! :o) Great to see you are taking part in catblogging friday! :o)

photowannabe said...

Tango looks like he has something on his mind. Maybe he's remembering a mouse that got away.

Memories Catcher said...

Beautiful cat.I like it!Great photo.

RUTH said...

He's so lovely; this evening Manda's cat Rocky popped in for a visit and jumped straight up on Mick's bed. I think he liked the ripple mattress.

smilnsigh said...

Lovely? Yes yes yes!!! I want to reach in and pet her golden fur.


dot said...

Beautiful cat! Mabye there is a bowl of milk or something good to eat in front of him?