Friday, 26 January 2007

Number 26, Buddhist Meditation Centre

No I haven't travelled to some far away land...... this is actually in are 'Little Old English Village' it is a Buddhist Meditation Centre! Down a small cul-de-sac on the outskirts of the village. As each property comes up for sale in the cul-de-sac they buy it and use it as accommodation!
I wonder how they got planning permission??????


RUTH said...

It looks a beautiful building but somehow doesn't quite fit in with it's surroundings.

dot said...

Almost looks like a UFO!

tony.unwin said...

putting planning permission to one side, it does rather look like Liberator from 'Blakes 7'.. so rather than meditating maybe they are planning to leave in their own space ship


Anonymous said...

Great photos - I agree with the previous comments!

photowannabe said...

Yes I agree too. It does make for an interesting picture to ponder over.

Paula said...

It really does stand out, doesn't it? Interesting.

Sheila said...

It makes for a nice photo, the sky is pretty special too.!
We have one locally in a cedar cottage..!

Annie said...

I don't suppose you could have much better neighbors than Buddhists.