Saturday, 9 June 2007

Number 145, Lambs Ears

I love this plant, you always feel the need to touch it, why? Because it feels like lambs ears! (Stachys Byzantina)


RUTH said...

They really are so soft to touch...I can't resist stroking them whenever I see them.

mrsnesbitt said...

They do look soft! I don't know I would stroke a lamb's ear though...not with mum looking on anyway! LOL!


dot said...

I couldn't believe how soft and it really is a pretty plant too.

Sheila said...

I have these too aren't they great. Mine is about to flower..!

photowannabe said...

It does look like a soft lambs ear. Lovely coloring.

lilymarlene said...

I have these too, and also love stroking them.
I am not too fond of the flowers, aprticularly when they die and get straggly, but I lovethe leaves so put up with the flowers! Sometimes I cut them all off before they flower.