Sunday, 8 April 2007

Number 95, Scarecrow 5

Hee, hee!

We thought yesterdays was Queen Bee too!! There quite good aren't they!!! Far better in real life, if I had room I'd invite you all to stay and we could go round together then stop off in the tea garden and have tea and cream scones!!!!


dot said...

That would be quite an experience for an old southern USA woman like me!

talj said...

Maybe you could pitch a tent in the garden for us all? ;o) I am enjoying this trail! :o)

Sheila said...

This must be the Queen of Hearts..?
She looks like someone from Alice in Wonderland.
Wouldn't it be great to all meet up and do just that Libby..!

Annie said...

Like Sheila I immediately thought of the Alice in Wonderland story.

Scarecrow said...

I am enjoying all these scarecrows!!
Yes tea and cream scones sounds great thank you!
Could take me a while to get there though! :)