Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Number 105, Scarecrow 15

There is a scarecrow coming up in 3 days time that even Sheila and Ruth won't get!!!!

Yesterdays: I think we all agree on King Midas!

Only another 23 to go, let me know if your bored and I shall go out again and photograph my world!!!


RUTH said...

Pearly Queen?
Certainly not bored...I'm loving it!

Annie said...

Please don't stop. These scarecrows are so much fun. Even though I don't recognize the inspiration for them, I like to ponder.

mrsnesbitt said...

Pearly King?

talj said...

As Ruth is doing so well with her guesses I am going to say she stole all my guesses and posted them before I got here lol :o) Don't stop, Im loving the series! :o)

smilnsigh said...

Pretty fancy scarecrow, there!!! :-)


Gill said...

This is what I call a Scarecrow Diva!
Love her. So cute!

Sheila said...

all I get to see is red 'x'..?

Petunia's Gardener said...

Love the pearly queen! I once was in London for the pearly king and queen festival/event. This has been quite some display of royal scarecrows!